Monday, 29 April 2013

Check if your name exists on Voter/Electoral Rolls

Now the election dates are announced in Karnataka, you must be thinking if your name is enrolled or not. Here is the quick and simple steps to find out:

  1. Go to If this page is not working, go to home page and look for "Search My Name" link. 
  2. In the Search page, either you can search by your EPIC number or by our name and address. Accordingly, click one of the links.
  3. If you select the second option, in the next page, select your District, type in your name as you have given for electoral, your father/mother/spouse name, gender, and your constituency.
  4. After entering these details, click Search button.
  5. If you get result, click "Details" button and it will pop up details of your electoral.
  6. If you don't get the result, verify once what you typed is correct.
  7. If you still not getting the result, contact Electoral Registration Officer (ERO). Check your ERO here.

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